After CJ died this summer I was convinced that I'd be happy in a two dog household. So I was really surprised when I found myself crushing on a BadRap dog so hard I actually emailed them about his availability.
This video got me first... snap, snap, snap, but very gentle when he connected with the other pups...Then there was a photo on the Bad Rap Facebook page:
Look at that impish mug! And those feet! I was smitten. Totally smitten. But the very best thing about this guy are his ears... Check them out in Bad Rap's Facebook album, "Rock the Kasbah!"
It was an even lovelier surprise when my inquiry was greeted with a warm reception and I was invited out to the Rescue Barn to meet the object of my crush, Kasbah, a nine-month-old clownish boy-dog.
So, on an overcast Friday morning, I loaded Poppy and Jimmy into my truck and headed out to the Oakland Hills. I was so excited and nervous I took the wrong freeway exit and had to double back five miles to get to the right one. Arriving only five minutes late, I was greeted by Uncle Eliott and Tim and ushered out to the barn. Rhonda, Beetle Juice, Kas, Puddles, and another dog were all trying to make themselves heard as I walked in. The loose critters got rounded up so I could meet Kas one-on-one. Heart melting eyes...
My two pups were then introduced one at a time and the three dogs spent more than an hour chasing each other around while Donna tried hard to take photos. Ever try to shoot a swiftly moving target? Mmmhmm... No easy feat! She persevered however. Here's a look at our first meet-n-greet!
Kas in hot pursuit of Poppy. | Get you... | Treats from Tim |
Round One - Success!