December 24, 2011

Christmas Letter

Dear Universe,

I am grateful for the events, opportunities for learning, and gifts of 2011, despite feeling as though I've ridden out this past year on a roller-coaster without a safety bar...
All snuggled in for a long winter's nap...
  • March: Major life change - single after 22 years.
  • April: Recovering and reflecting on who I am, what I will do with my "wild and precious life," and how to live more authentically in the world.
  • May: Lost our little Joy on Mother's Day. Jimmy is sad and depressed and so are we all. Life is not as rich without the "pretty, pretty princess."
  • June: Thinking about a new companion for Jim and learning patience.
  • July: Gift of Poppy and the beginnings of insight/inspiration for a new perspective on living rightly; gratitude for Bad Rap's extensive video catalog of training resources.
  • August: Vacation time and exploring the Central Coast with family and my new companion.
  • September: Looking at volunteer opportunities and considering what calls me to act.
  • October: First foray with Bad Rap volunteers distributing flyers for one of their free spay/neuter/shot clinics.
  • November: More flyer distribution (I'm liking this!) and signing up to volunteer at Berkeley Animal Care Services to help needful dogs and cats.
  • December:
    The Cone of Shame
    Poppy finally had her spay surgery and discovered she LOATHED the cone of shame. First solo Christmas in many years but wonderful companions will keep the loneliness at bay - and one more first - trying my hand at fostering. (Smacking head with palm and wondering, once again, what did I get myself into?)

Scooter - Christmas foster pup
So, Universe, thanks for my wonderful life. Thanks for my ever-changing and growing community. Thanks for the dogs big, young, old, and small who give such joy. Thanks for the mellow purring brick who sleeps on my feet. Thanks for my family near and far.

Merry Christmas and wishes for a wild and precious New Year to one and all!

~ Lisa